Wednesday, September 19, 2018

KIwi kids news, busy kid

Critical Thinking Challenges:
1. Do you believe kids being really busy is a good or a bad thing? Why? I think that it is good and bad! If you are busy with sports or other talents you may get a job to do with them! But i can be bad because you can get stressed and very tired!
2 1/2. If you think bad, think of three solutions for this issue. I think I is bad because you can get very stressed and tired! And you could not get enough time to there self.
2 2/2. If you think good, think of three ways to encourage other kids to get busier! I think that one way is to tell them that they will get fit if they are playing sports! Another way is to say that they could be famous because of this extra work.
3. Think about the role of teachers and parents in encouraging extra-curricular activities. Is it up to them, or to the kids themselves? I think it is up to the kids, but sometimes the parent need to decide if the kids won't!

Practical Tasks:
1. Ask your parents what they think is best, and what worked with you and your siblings.
2. Make yourself a schedule for this week that keeps you busy in the afternoon or when you would usually have downtime. If it goes well you could make it permanent! Done, i don’t have a photo!
3. Research the positives and negatives of being a kid with a busy schedule. What are the short and long term effects? Link to website that I read.

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