Tuesday, November 26, 2019


today i learnt about fibonacci. to be honest i don't really understand it to well. I drew flowers in my book ( Up there, /\ ), i also attempted to draw a dragon wing. All that i know is that: it occurs all over nacher, and that it contains fibonacci numbers, witch are 5,8,13,21 ect. when drawing somthing that uses fibonacci you times the number by 1.6.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019


 yesterday i went sailing with my class. prior to this i had never learnt to sail, so this was a very new to me. when we got there the instructor (Simon) told us how set up the boat, and we started sailing. i was buried with kaio. since it was a new thing to me  it was very scary to start, but after i got the hang of being in a plastic box, in the middle of 7 km lake infested with eals, trout, and lampreys, i was ok. For most of the time i was the ruder-man, we went out then did some circles. then we played water-ball, you play by throwing a ball to the other boats, ever boat has to touch the ball, then you have to get it back to simon's boat. then we started to take on water so we got a tow back to shore. it was fun but scary.